I have been appointed to the Sydney Catchment Authority’s (SCA) Upper Nepean Groundwater Community Reference Group (from now on referred to as the CRG) and have created this site as a communication channel between the CRG and the broader community.
The group is expected to exist until the end of December 2006, when the government plans to make a decision regarding the proposed development of a borefield at Kangaloon to extract around 15 gigalitres (15 billion litres) of water per year to “drought proof” Sydney and the Illawarra.
The CRG has an advisory role and is to communicate between the government and the Southern Highlands community about this issue, and provides an opportunity to discuss community matters regarding environmental, social and other issues relating to this proposed development.
My background is in natural resources management and most recently I worked for the former Department of Land and Water Conservation (now Department of Natural Resources) for over 5 years at the Moss Vale office, covering the Wingecarribee and Wollondilly shires. I am a member of the National Parks Association of NSW (Southern Highlands branch) and the Robertson Environment Protection Society.